This Privacy Policy applies to all the publicly accessible pages on the My Maitland website, which is managed by Maitland City Council. Maitland City Council does not have any responsibility for the privacy policies or practices of third party sites linked to/from the My Maitland website.
Any personal information will be treated within the terms of Council’s privacy responsibilities and obligations. Council’s Privacy Management Plan details how Council handles all personal and health information it collects, stores, accesses and uses. Council websites are used to publish resources of relevance to our community; personal information will not be published on websites without permission or where there is a statutory requirement to do so.
Maitland City Council may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. The current policy is regulated by the New South Wales Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. This policy is effective from 1 June 2014.
Collecting information about you from the website
Maitland City Council will only collect personal information directly from you, or your authorised agent. Information collected via this website may include:
- Content of electronic forms or surveys completed on the website
- Any messages or comments submitted via this website or email address
The information collected will be for lawful purposes directly related to the functions of Council. Council will only request information that is necessary for the purpose of the collection.
If you do not wish to provide personal information to Council, it may be unable to provide you with the services required. In accordance with the New South Wales Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 you can make application for Council to consider suppressing your personal information from a public register held by Council.
Statistical information
Council collects website traffic information from the My Maitland website and uses this to identify usage patterns and improve the user experience. Information collected includes:
- The IP (Internet Protocol) address of the device you are using as well as information about previous and next sites visited
- The top-level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, .uk, etc.)
- The address of your server
- The date and time of your visit to the website
- The pages accessed and documents downloaded
- The type of browser and operating system you have used
This website is hosted in Australia in a secure facility. To help protect the privacy of data and personal information we collect and hold, we maintain physical, technical and administrative safeguards. Council has implemented measures to protect personal information however the security of any information transmitted is not guaranteed.
Access to your personal information is restricted to employees who need it to provide services to you.
Links to other sites and social networking
When following links to other sites from this website, we recommend you read the privacy statement of that site to familiarise yourself with its privacy practices. This privacy statement does not extend beyond this website and Council is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other linked websites. Social networking services also have their own privacy policies for handling your personal information. This website privacy statement does not extend to social networking services.
Privacy and personal information
Council is committed to privacy protection and complies with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and Government Information Public Access Act 2009.
How to access personal information
To access personal information, you are required to complete one of the following forms:
- Access your personal information
- Amend your personal information
- Access to someone else’s personal information
- Make a complaint regarding privacy
Please note the personal information of others will only be released if it is consistent with Council’s legal obligations.
Further information
Contact person: Council’s Public Officer
Phone: 02 4934 9700
Mail: PO Box 220, Maitland NSW 2320
Related Information
- Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales
- NSW Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act 1998
- NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002
- NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
Council is committed to copyright compliance and the protection of copyrighted materials.
Use of Council information
Material on this website is subject to copyright and is intended for general use and information only. Users are permitted to print or download information and materials for personal use only and not for commercial or public use. Content must not be modified from how it appears on the website and must include a copyright notice.
Material appearing on linked sites may be subject to third party copyright. Council cannot give any permission to use such material and strongly recommends that you refer to the copyright notices on those sites before using such material.
Requests and enquiries concerning copyright can be addressed in writing to:
The General Manager, Maitland City Council
PO Box 220, Maitland NSW 2320
Council’s use of information
Council has adopted a Copyright Policy which outlines Council’s commitment to copyright compliance and provides guidance to staff when using copyrighted materials both internally and external to Council.
Last updated: 14 December 2020